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Daytona 2000 - Corvair Speedweek

Many convention attendees were impressed by the achievements of the North Texas Corvair Association (NTCA) at this year's convention. The top three finishers for the Edward M. Cole Memorial Award were all from the NTCA. Steve Kirkton's 1096.56 point, 1966 maroon Corsa turbo became the first car in the history of the Award to win it two years in a row. It was disappointing to realize I had not photographed the car. However, I did manage a couple of shots of the runner-up, owned by Steve's fellow NTCA member, Corbin Tayloe. His awesome Loadside, pictured below, scored 1068.26 points in the competition.

Ed Cole Memorial Award runner-up Loadside

Corvair 95 Loadside (rear 3/4 view)

Above, the Loadside gets set to tackle the autocross. The little swing axle pickup performed well, in spite of its relatively high center of gravity.  

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