Corvair emblem Corsa

Corvair Atlanta's Springfest '99

After the Concours, I managed to get some street and highway shots of some stars of the show. A complete list of award winners appears on Page 21 of this feature, courtesy of Ed Mackey at Corvair Atlanta.

Freshly polished Darth Vair (46272 bytes)

We had some rain on Friday night, so it was up early on Saturday morning to wash and polish Darth for the show. Chuckster was freaking and peaking because the polish wasn't behaving as it should, and we were just minutes away from Concours registration.

Darth Vair cools his jets (52377 bytes)

Darth's cloth covered seat inserts and wide open hard-top side windows provide relief from the southern heat. This is a performance oriented car with no need for air conditioning!

1964 Spyder Mouchmobile (73848 bytes)

Jane and C.G. Mouch's Spyder looks even better in a natural setting. This is one excellent summer ride!

Click the road sign for more.

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