The best element of all in this conversion is the resultant handling of the car as a whole. The concentration of vehicle weight is between the wheels rather than at either end, and this allows it to be steered into and out of tight corners with neither end breaking loose under severe cornering (oversteer or understeer). One test driver compared the handling qualities to "a real racing car...not NASCAR or Trans-Am stock, but true Can-Am Group 7 or Grand Prix road racer." |
Instrumentation is augmented by an accessory gauge panel with indicators for water temperature, oil pressure and charging rate. Smaller diameter wheel speeds maneuvering responses. |
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Imagine the gas station guys' surprise when they lift the lid and the engine's not there! Former engine compartment becomes the luggage space when Crown conversion puts a Chevy V-8 in the middle. |
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It looks as if the Corvair may be gone from the salesrooms, but apparently, with conversions like this readily available, it will be a long time before it is forgotten. written by David Lewis with photos by Chan Bush Well, that's the scoop on the Crown Manufacturing Co. Inc., Corv-8 conversion. Thanks to site visitor Roger Currie for identifying 1001 Custom and Rod Ideas as the source of this vintage article. When found, the article was on three loose pages I'd torn from the magazine years ago.
Where do I get Crown conversion parts today? Since originally posting this vintage article, I've had numerous requests for information on current availability of Crown style conversion parts. At the moment, the only source I am aware of is Clark's Corvair Parts in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts. If I learn of other sources, I will post them here. If you'd like to examine an extensive color spread on a truly outstanding modern day Corv-8 rebuild, follow this link to a 45 page feature on the Rick Norris modified '66 Corv-8. He's applied a few innovative touches to make his car a stunner! |
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