Corvair emblem Corsa



This is Yenko Stringer #YS-100, currently owned by California's Rick McClurkan. The car was originally delivered in Stage III tune, with all options. It was raced from 1966 through 1973 in SCCA, hill climbs and autocross. It saw action at Lime Rock, Bridgehampton, Thompson, Mt. Ascutney, and Mt. Equinox and was a Tri-State Champion in 1969.

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Below is a terrific action shot of #YS-100 running a 5-mile hill climb course. It took many awards for Fastest Time of the Day (F.T.D.) in hill climb competitions, against all comers, including Corvettes.

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According to Rick, #YS-100 is possibly "the most documented and optioned original Yenko Stinger in existence." He's got all the papers from the day it was ordered new, and has track photos and grid sheets.

Fellow Canadian, John Gray sent me this shot, taken at the Yenko Supercar Reunion on Labor Day Weekend, 1998, in Hendersonville, TN.

Two '67 Stingers are shown at the line at Music City Raceway. One the inside lane, Robert Landers of Hawthorne, Illinois, in #YS-114 and on the outside lane, Bob Dunahugh of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, driving #YS-108.

Now this is a match race! 

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