Corvair emblem Corsa fender emblem

Daytona 2000 - Corvair Speedweek

Gold for the Persistent!

Chuck Armer was one of the victims of the rained-out Concours d'Elegance at the 1998 convention in St. Louis. He had towed his restored and customized '65 sport coupe, Darth Vair, hundreds of miles, only to have to return to Chamblee, Georgia, without having had the opportunity to compete. Undaunted, he pledged to return, did so at Daytona 2000 and won gold in Late Closed Modified. Darth scored 96.29 points after a .50 point trailer deduction. Darth is now a Senior Division car.

1965 Corsa sport coupe (Darth Vair)

Above, the judges take a close look at Darth's underside, no easy task when you consider they spent 6 hours doing this sort of thing in oppressive 100 degree heat and humidity!

Darth Vair was the first subject of an "Owners' Feature" in the Extra! section of this site. For more details on Darth, click here.

1966 Corvair Monza sport coupe

Canada's Dorai Issac, owner of this '66 sport coupe, went home with an award for best gas mileage in his class in the Economy Run.

Click the road sign for more.

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